Arrow Electronics: Mobility
I had the incredible opportunity to direct Mobility, the first brand film in Arrow's FiveYearsOut "V" series for Elevation Digital Media. The series would focus on Arrow's core principles and the Mobility film would serve as a trial run for the rest of the productions. It was a daunting task to lead the maiden voyage, but a challenge I was excited to take on.
It's worth noting this film was originally going to be seen online-only. Since it would only live on the internet, it could run as long as necessary. We wanted something fun, bright and quirky, like OK Go's viral hits and other popular internet videos. To catch internet viewers fleeting attention, we wanted to use trick photography combined with a single, uncut take throughout. This caused numerous serious creative challenges that forced our entire team to rise to the next level. It was, hands down, one of the most rewarding shoots I've ever worked on.
Arrow liked the it so much, they wanted to buy air-time for it on other media outlets, requiring us to shorten it to 60 seconds. This required us to speed up the one-shot which essentially kills the trick photography. This was the first commercial I ever directed, so to not make it an acceptable runtime for possible future broadcasts is a big fumble on my part. But I still think the commercial turned out great! I mean, hell, it won a Telly Award for Best Production Design!