The 2019 Playlist
I listen to a couple hours of music every day. I particularly enjoy searching for music I've never heard. When I hear a new song I like, I add it to one playlist, all year long. At the end of the year, I go through that playlist and choose one song for each artist and then cut out a bunch more so the playlist is at an even number. I started doing this a few years ago when I really needed to find some new music for inspiration. Well, it certainly worked because this year I ended up composing and recording nearly 2.5 hours of music for numerous projects.
While the majority of the tracks were released in the 2019 calendar year, this is not "A Year in Music" playlist but a playlist documenting the music I enjoyed and “discovered” in 2019, new or old. Usually, I stick to my rule of one song per artist, but this year we allowed a select few to have a couple (it’s my list damnit!).
The list has been designed to be played straight through as well as on shuffle. Usually, I just make it so the first 50 or songs are my absolute favorite and leave the rest as it is, but this year, I spent a lot of time making sure the whole list flowed from song-to-song, start to finish.
As always, please use this list as a starting point. If you find an artist or song you like, go check out them out! There's 200 artists with entire discographies just waiting for you to enjoy! Get saved!